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GJA calls for end to impunity against journalists

The Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) is sounding a clarion call to all stakeholders to take concrete and resolute measures to eradicate impunity for crimes against Ghanaian journalists.

The Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) is sounding a clarion call to all stakeholders to take concrete and resolute measures to eradicate impunity for crimes against Ghanaian journalists.

On the occasion of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, the Association’s President, Albert Dwumfour noted the deteriorating situation of press freedom and safety in Ghana, a country that was once celebrated globally as a beacon of democracy and media liberty in Africa.

Over the last five years (2019 to 2023), the GJA has documented a staggering 45 cases of assaults and attacks on media professionals and media organizations.

Alarming trends indicate that the year 2023 has recorded the highest number of cases per year, with October 2023 setting an unfortunate record by having the highest number of incidents in a single month—four cases.

“Sadly, many of those cases were not investigated and prosecuted, strengthening the resolve of the perpetrators and like-minded people to continue the impunity.”

The GJA called on the government to exhibit stronger dedication to eradicating the prevailing impunity against the media.

“We urge the Attorney-General and the Police to prefer the requisite charges against people who indulge in such impunity in order to ensure the imposition of maximum punishment against them. We also urge the Judiciary not to be lenient with convicts of such crime in order to deter others from doing same.”

The GJA marks this year’s International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists with the hope that it will serve as a turning point in Ghana’s journey toward ending impunity for crimes against journalists and restoring the nation to a path of righteousness concerning media freedom.



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