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Stop listening to ‘false’ Prophets like Badu Kobi if you want eternal salvation – Morris Babyface

Iconic music producer turned evangelist, Marx Morris Twumasi known as Morris Babyface has criticized Prophet Badu Kobi for prophesying that Brazil will win the Copa America final which has proven to be false.

“As many souls are perishing, some “prophets” are only interested in prophesying the outcome of football matches and other trivial issues,” he wrote on Facebook.

He fumed “You think God really cares about who wins a football match? In this era where betting/gambling has become widely prevalent among the youth.

“As some of us are praying God through us, will snatch them from the snare of the Fowler, others are giving the youth every reason to gamble and live in constant sin,” he added.

Glorious Wave Church International Founder, Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi hours before the final, took to social media to predict what Messi and Argentina won’t win as revealed by God to him.

“Some of these people are there, only so the love of many shall wax cold. Be careful who you listen to if you care about your eternal salvation,” Morris Babyface cautioned.

Source: Amansan Krakye (kastlefmonline.com)


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