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PRESEC wins NSMQ2020 edition for the 6th time

Presbyterian Boys’ Secondary School (LEGON) have been crowned the champions for the National Science and Maths Quiz 2020 Edition organised by Primetime production after beating the Zebras (ADISCO) and the Tortoise (OWASS) in the Grande finale which took place at the University of Ghana, LEGON Auditorium on 8th October, 2020.

The school was represented by 3 final year students, Benjamin, Gapketor and Isaac.

The competition was in 5 rounds and after the 5th round PRESEC won with 36points, ADISCO followed with 31 points whilst OWASS laid low with 21 points. It was indeed competitive and all contestants performed very well.

The competition which has been around in ages was proudly sponsored by the GES and other relevant corporate bodies and the for the next one year PRESEC has earned the bragging right.

Source:Mr. Smile (Kastlefmonline)


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