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FDA sets new conditions for palm oil exports

The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has introduced new conditions for the export of palm oil to the European Union, effective July 1, 2022.

The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has introduced new conditions for the export of palm oil to the European Union, effective July 1, 2022.

The conditions make it mandatory for all consignments of palm oil exports from Ghana to the EU to be accompanied by an official certificate from the FDA attesting to the absence of Sudan dyes.

Consignments that are not accompanied by official certificates from the FDA will be rejected on arrival in the EU based on documentation control.

The FDA indicated in a statement that the new conditions have been necessitated by the “persistently high rate of non-compliance established by the EU Member States for palm oil exports from Ghana.”

“Consequently, the special conditions in addition to an increased level of official controls have been enforced by the European Commission Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety.”

All exporters of palm oil have been advised to acquire the FDA certificate of analysis to accompany each consignment that is exported, which will also undergo physical checks upon arrival.

The FDA said it shall work closely with the Customs Division of Ghana Revenue Authority to enforce strictly all requirements for the export of palm oil and all other FDA-regulated products.

About 30% of palm oils found in the Ghanaian Market failed the FDA’s nationwide Zero Sudan IV dye test conducted in 2022.

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