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Don’t assume that being overseas is better than succeeding here in Ghana – UK High Commissioner advises

Many Africans especially the youth see travelling overseas for greener pastures as a blessing from God, however, those living abroad also say that there are a lot of opportunities here in Africa.

Many Africans especially the youth see travelling overseas for greener pastures as a blessing from God, however, those living abroad also say that there are a lot of opportunities here in Africa.

The British High Commissioner to Ghana, Her Excellency Harriet Thompson has also added her voice in strongly advising the youth not to assume that travelling overseas is better than succeeding here in Ghana.

“I will say that the opportunities here in Ghana are incredible and the future of this country is in the hands of it’s young people that’s not to say that the youth should feel the burden of responsibility,” she stated on Cape Coast-based Kastle FM.

She continued, “But rather than looking overseas necessarily for those greener pastures, yes get that experience overseas and get the education by building the networks but don’t always assume that being overseas is better”.

Sharing her opinion about the desire of the youth to travel abroad for greener pastures, Her Excellency Harriet Thompson said it’s good to learn overseas and bring the experience back home to develop the opportunities in Ghana.

“After getting the education, take that learning and bring the experience back here and think about what this country needs and realize some of these incredible opportunities,” she said in an interview with Gideon Asmah.

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Source: Amansan Krakye(



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