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Kofi Adams defends call for bi-partisan probe into Islamic SHS riot

The Member of Parliament for Buem, Kofi Adams, has called for the dismissal of the Ashanti Regional Director of Urban Roads over a clash that occurred between the Police and students of the Islamic Senior High School weeks ago.

The Member of Parliament for Buem, Kofi Adams, has called for the dismissal of the Ashanti Regional Director of Urban Roads over a clash that occurred between the Police and students of the Islamic Senior High School weeks ago.

Mr. Adams, who is also a member of Parliament’s Defence and Interior Committee, said the Director failed to heed students’ calls for the construction of speed ramps, compelling them to resort to protests to drum home their demands.

He indicated that students would not have protested if the speed ramps were constructed.

“The committee has recommended some sanctions against the Head of Urban Roads, who is responsible for the area. About ten different letters have been sent to these bodies to act, but they did not act,” he indicated on citinews

Mr. Adams further said the committee’s fact-finding mission had raised some questions about the credibility of the Police Service’s version of events on the day.

“We found what the students said much more credible than what was said by the Police.”

He believes a bipartisan probe into the disturbances will provide more information on what really transpired and the circumstances leading to the clash.

“Either the committee is given enough powers to do further investigation,  a bipartisan committee is established, or a special ad-hoc committee is established to investigate this issue.”

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