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Coronavirus: No vaccine by scientists can ever stop people from dying – says Nyame Somafo Yaw

The self-acclaimed Saviour for Ghana and the world, Nyame Somafo Yaw has declared that the coronavirus vaccine which has been developed won’t do anything to curtail the spread of the disease.

“There is no cure for coronavirus because I said it’s a disease from the sky. Every disease that comes from the skies, you wouldn’t find its cure on earth.

“White people are very deceptive and if I had not come they know that blacks have a very narrow mindset so they will accept wholeheartedly whatever that they tell us the black people.”

Speaking to Cape Coast-based Kastle FM’s Amansan Krakye at Gomoa Ankamu in the Central Region, the man of God reiterated that no man born of a woman can stop the spread of coronavirus not even scientists.

“The vaccine that has been developed won’t do anything to curtail the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Even they claim to have done a lot of research and they’ve improved in the manufacturing of medicine.

“Malaria medicine is on the number 99 but right now the vaccine they’ve developed is on the number 95 so at least it can cure malaria.”

Nyame Somafo Yaw has therefore challenged authorities to inject everybody with the coronavirus vaccine but insists that the spread won’t be curtailed and more people will continue to die from the infection.

“Covid-19 is on the number 900 so what vaccine will be able to stop such a disease. So it’s not true, the vaccine cannot stop the spread of the coronavirus.

“If they want to challenge me they should go ahead and inject everybody with the vaccine, the deaths will continue to increase as we are being told on a daily basis.”

There are currently more than 50 COVID-19 vaccine candidates in trials. World Health Organization (WHO) is working in collaboration with scientists through the Accelerator to speed up the pandemic response.

Source: Amansan Krakye (



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