General News

We’ll file Private Members’ Bill on abandoned hospitals when Parliament resumes – Akandoh

The Ranking Member on the Health Committee of Parliament, Kwabena Mintah Akandoh says a private member’s motion on the state of abandoned hospital projects in the country would be filed when Parliament resumes from recess in October 2021.

The Members of the Minority caucus on the Health Committee in pursuit of parliamentary oversight for the past two days have toured project sites in Kumawu, Fomena, Afari, and Somanya.

With the exception of the project in Somanya, all other project sites visited had not been completed or handed over to the Ministry of Health.

Speaking to Citi News, the Juaboso MP hinted at the minority’s next steps in the quest to get abandoned hospitals projects completed.

According to him, the Minority will not renege on its quest until Ghanaians get value for all the monies that have been borrowed.

“When we come back from recess, we are going to move a Private Member Motion in a bid to compel the Health Minister to do the needful for the operationalization of these facilities and complete all other abandoned hospital projects.”

“So we will not relax and this is not the first time we are doing this, and it won’t be the last time we will be doing it. So we will do it until the good people of this country get value for the money we borrowed.”

He also called on the Ministry of Health to urgently re-package and re-award the abandoned hospital project at Abetifi in the Eastern Region.


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